Task: Identify Your Primary Keywords

  • Identify Your Niche!
  • Pick One or Two Related Keywords
  • Optimize your profile for those keywords.
  • Don’t Stuff the keywords – Keep it as part of a sentence.

Save these Keywords in your Job Search Tool Kit (from 7 Days Job Search Challenge)

Use the Keyword in the Headline of your LinkedIn Profile. You have a task to Update and Optimize Your Headline coming-up.

Resources to Identify Keywords:

– Google Search and Look for Related Searches at the of the search results (in Desktop)

– https://lsigraph.com/

– Look at several job descriptions


– Don’t hurry to find keywords in the next 2 minutes or 10 minutes. Take Your Time.

– If you have taken the 7 Days Job Search Challenge, you would know what keywords to include.

– Know what jobs and titles you are looking and Narrow Down to few keywords.

– As described in the video (identifying additional titles by looking at Alumni’s from your school or any school)

– Why Keywords Matter?

Direct Hire Companies Have HR’s, Recruiters and Head Hunters. One of their job role is find qualified candidates, reach out to them and ask them if they like to apply for jobs in their company.

They can’t find you, if your profile is not optimized for a specific keywords. Here’s an email from a recruiter I received in my Inbox.

So, keywords matter a lot and don’t stuff your Linked with multiple keywords. You may not show-up in the search results.

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